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Memorymoon Messiah Vst Download: A Synth that Responds Well to Aftertouch and Mod Wheel


Filename Author Country moon_extra bank Gunnar Ekornaas Norway PeWe_bank. Peter Werner Germany DatabassTom_mobilebank Databass (Tommaso Berardocco) Italy empty_bank. Gunnar Ekornaas Norway Tommy_bank. Thorau (Thomas Raudzus) Germany Heinrichs Heinrich Horstmann Germany DatabassTom_nusounds Databass (Tommaso Berardocco) Italy Heinrichs_3rd Heinrich Horstmann Germany Heinrichs_ARP_N_RYM Heinrich Horstmann Germany PaulRoachBank Paul Roach England memorymoon_extra2 bank Gunnar Ekornaas Norway Controller templates: To use these templates in you controller you will have to install the editor for the controller. First load the template into the editor, then send it to your controller, and then store it to the preset number you choose. (You have to save the template, because first it is just stored temporary in the controllers memory.)

Memorymoon Messiah Vst Download

Filename Controller Author akaiMPK49_memorymoon akaiMPK49_messiah AKAI MPK series Gunnar Ekornaas A-500_memorymoon A-500_messiah Roland A-300, Roland A-500 and Roland A-800 Gunnar Ekornaas PCR800_memorymoon PCR800_messiah Roland PCR-300, Roland PCR-500 and Roland PCR-800 Gunnar Ekornaas novation_remote_memorymoon novation_remote_messiah Novation remote Gunnar Ekornaas NovationSL_Memorymoon NovationSL_Messiah Novation remote SL Gunnar Ekornaas NovationSL_Mk2_Memorymoon NovationSL_Mk2_Messiah NovationSL_Mk2 Gunnar Ekornaas axiom49-memorym-messiah M-audio axiom49. One bank that has a preset for memorymoon and a preset for messiah. Gunnar Ekornaas korg_nanokontrol_memorymoon_mes korg_nanokontrol_messiah Korg nanokontrol 1 Gunnar Ekornaas memorymoon_prophet08 memorymoon patch when using DSI Prophet08 as a controller Gunnar Ekornaas Alkex ProfessorV2 for Messiah2 Template for use in the ProfessorV2 editor. Gunnar Ekornaas

The bank comes in Korg Minilogue editor format. It is for the original Korg Minilogue, it will not work with the new MinilogueXD. In the download there are 124 single sounds in the editors mnlgprog format. The last file in the download (whole-bank-minilogue) is the complete bank in the editors mnlglib format for banks.

I will send you a download link for a wav or mp3 (both included) audio file that you send to your Roland JX3P tape load jack input. To load the bank: First hit "tape memory" button. The hit the "load" button. The send the audio file into JX3P. I recommend middle volume. On my Steinberg ur22 I set volume to 5. 32 patches in total. It will overwrite bank C and D.

New Win10 systems don't have all the historical runtime dlls installed. Maybe you will have to put msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll manually in the C:/windows/system folder. The files are available from Microsoft. On old Windows 32 bit systems it is necessary to install latest Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3. Just search for Microsoft Visual C++ and download it from microsoft`s webpage. The install takes 10 seconds. If you fail to do this you will get the windows error: The file MSVCP140 not found!

There are already CC-templates for:Minilogue2.0 , MoogSUB37, NordStage3, OB6 , Prophet6 , Prophet REV2 , RolandXa (this synth will send very few CC messages, so the control is limited) , Roland System8 and Soundforce SFC5.And on the download page you will find messiah controller templates that you can load into the controller with their editor. The latest one is Alkex Professor2 template.

Minilogue soundbank (will not load in the new MinilogueXD) expanded up to 124 new patches. The download comeswith all the single sounds, and the last download is "whole-bank-minilogue.lib"), the complete bank in the editors mnlglib format for banks. So you can easily load the complete bank from the editor into your Minilogue..

128 new patches for electronic music production. It has many short sounds and more effects. I added some distortion guitar patches and 20 vintage patches at the end of the bank. Vintage bank for Prophet 600 released. 80 patches. Scroll down the downloads page. Bank for Moog Minitaur released. 100 patches. Scroll down the download page.

Memorymoon Plugins Pack 2021 is an amazing audio processing package included with Classic Synthesizer through which users can produce powerful and fat sounds. The package has 6 voice cards with 3 oscillators, noise generator, amplifier, and 2 filters. From all these, users can control the output of the sounds with ease. Users can also produce sounds and can unravel the creativity with rich and unique tracks. You can also download .u2eaa162c04ecf3ca531dfbd560302a5e padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:0em!important; padding-bottom:0em!important; width:100%; background-color:inherit; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid inherit!important; text-decoration:none; .u2eaa162c04ecf3ca531dfbd560302a5e:active, .u2eaa162c04ecf3ca531dfbd560302a5e:hover opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; .u2eaa162c04ecf3ca531dfbd560302a5e transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; .u2eaa162c04ecf3ca531dfbd560302a5e .ctaText font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px;display: none; .u2eaa162c04ecf3ca531dfbd560302a5e .postTitle color:inherit; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 14px; .u2eaa162c04ecf3ca531dfbd560302a5e:hover .postTitle text-decoration: underline!important; Air Music Technology - Bassline 2022 Free Download.

Memorymoon Plugins Pack 2021 included Memorymoon, Memorymoon messiah, and The Memorymoon ME80. The Memorymoon is a classic synthesizer which can create powerful and fat sounds, the Memorymoon messiah is also a synthesizer which has 3 innovative oscillators, the Morph oscillator with 4 waveforms, the Unison oscillator with 7 voices and more. Moving to the last pack is also a synthesiser whose sound resembles the sound of acoustic instruments but with real expression. It can also shape the tone of Wind instruments. You can also download .u1020530c1ea21bc1d0edc8fc2d7274b2 padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:0em!important; padding-bottom:0em!important; width:100%; background-color:inherit; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid inherit!important; text-decoration:none; .u1020530c1ea21bc1d0edc8fc2d7274b2:active, .u1020530c1ea21bc1d0edc8fc2d7274b2:hover opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; .u1020530c1ea21bc1d0edc8fc2d7274b2 transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; .u1020530c1ea21bc1d0edc8fc2d7274b2 .ctaText font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px;display: none; .u1020530c1ea21bc1d0edc8fc2d7274b2 .postTitle color:inherit; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 14px; .u1020530c1ea21bc1d0edc8fc2d7274b2:hover .postTitle text-decoration: underline!important; UVI - Falcon 2022 Free Download.

I already have the earlier versions of the ME80, Messiah and Memorymoon VST's, but cannot find any updated version download links for them on the Memorymoon website; except for the purchasing links... and Gunnar's email link doesn't open up my email program when I click on it to try to ask him about it. Can anyone steer me in the right direction.

  • I just got a Moog Minitaur, and I made this version to use the Minitaur as an external analog filter. Filter mode is set to "Bypass" by default, and the filter mode will not change when you change preset like it does in the standard version. The Minitaur has a very hot input, so the ouput level is set to just 10% compared to the standard version. I set the Minitaur cutoff knob to 40% to get the sound right, so you might have to test different cutoff setting on your hardware synthesizer. It should work with Minimoog, Little phatty, Microzwerg, Minibrute and so on. It has the same VST-id as the standard version, so in some hosts you can have both versions installed at the same time, in some hosts only one of them will show up. In filter mode "bypass" audio is sent to right output, and filter cutoff (knob, envelopes, velocity, kb-tracking for highest note) is sent to left output. When using it with Minitaur I have to use max output level from my soundcard to get strong enough cutoff (It has the range 0-5V). There is a new knob to set the overall cutoff sent to left ouput: 01.04.12. NEWS IN Messiah 1.3 R14: New filter mode: 12dB per octave. This is a brighter filter mode with no self oscillation and less resonance. It is very good for clean bright sounds. New control on the LFO page: Fiss. This will give a bright buzzy sound to the oscillators, and I found out how to do this in one of the many discussions about the old moog sound. Youtube clip about new and old moog sound.

  • 25.03.12. Adam Borseti has made this version of Bladerunner movie music. ME80 is the only synth in the track: Bladerunner theme. Paul Roach memorymoon bank expanded to 79 patches. Uploaded to the download page. 26.02.12. Messiah extra bank3 expanded to 91 patches. Paul Roach memorymoon bank expanded to 67 patches. (Board of Canada style). Uploaded to the download page. 24.02.12. Removed midi-out from all instruments because there were problem with automation from host. The midi-out signals would interfere with automation from the host. And all instruments will now internally read CC2 breath control as aftertouch. And I changed synced values 5/2 to a slower 1/4Triad division. The old download links still works. NEWS IN Messiah 1.3 R13: Updated oscillators with more body and much more overtones in the lower registers. Mp3 file with first old oscillator, then the same note played by the improved oscillator: Improvment example. New presets. The LFO waveform "Steps" has been changed to sine wave. This is much more useful for dubstep wobbles.Patches that used the step waveform will still load fine.

  • 04.02.12. Messah bank "extra3" updated to 72 patches. Download page. The new patches have even more audio rate modulation. 28.01.12. New Messah bank "extra3" with 58 new sounds at the download page. Messiah extra3 bank has som impressions from this minitaur video: Moog Minitaur. And it has new dist guitars and 14 modulation patches using the poly mod section in Messiah. 27.11.11. Messiah updated with a new sound: "Symphonic strings" and patch levels adjusted. You can use the old download links. 26.11.11. ME80 updated to build R8. Wheel VCO/LPF selector set to the most useful setting in all presets. You can still use the old download links. 20.11.11.All synths updated. You can now choose to send mod-wheel to LFO level or to filter cutoff. Build versions: Memorymoon R9, Messiah R12 and ME80 R7. Right click the GUI to check your version number. The GUI on all synths are so crowded that I found no room for an off/on swith on any of the synths, so instead you just click on the "WHEEL LFO" text. The text is a switch. And in case anyone wonder what "OCTAVE SWITCH" means: At very high velocities (above 123) the pitch will be +1 octave in the oscillators. This is to simulate guitar overtones. 13.11.11. Messiah updated to R11 beta. Messiah extra bank updated with many new patches. NEWS IN Messiah 1.3 R11: 3 new minimoog bass patches. Patch 16 "moog basrun" is my impression of this synthesizer demo by Katsunori UJIIE. Patch 76 "3 osc bass" and patch 77 "Man in the mirror" is my impression of the minimoog bass in the song "Man in the mirror" by Michael Jackson.

  • 30.10.11. Messiah extra bank2 finally completed. I made most of the patches on the Project5 controller. Uploaded to the download page. NEWS IN Messiah 1.3 R10: 3 new patches. Patch 5 "Eric Levy lead2" is my impression of this synthesizer demo by Eric Levy. It is specially created for his percussive style. Patch 27 "Super PWM slow" and patch 42 "octave chords" are demos of the new possibility to have PWM modulation in all 7 waves in the unison oscillator.

  • 10.10.11. Messiah extra bank2 expanded to 120 patches, many of the patches are dubstep basses. Uploaded to the download page. Messiah CC picture updated. NEWS IN Messiah 1.3 R9: Unison oscillator will recieve oscB pulse width modulation. The Pulse:Saw waveshape and the other Pulse: waveshapes will do pulse-width moulation for all 7 waves. Pulse:Saw is used for old style PWM modulation. The other Pulse: waveshapes will create other waveshapes, but the waveshape will be modulated. Messiah will send midi CC snapshots for every program change message. (Tried to implement this one year ago, but I made an error, now it should work.) CC numbers fix: Amp velocity and filter velocity had duplicate CC numbers, in this version amp velocity is CC6 and filter velocity is CC 10. New CC number: Unison osc waveshape CC 39. I have checked that all possible CC numbers have been used.

  • 17.08.11. Paul Roach bank expanded to 62 patches. Improved control maps for Roland PCR300/500/800. (2 for memorymoon and 4! for messiah.) Uploaded to the download page. Midi-learn for page selector added to all synths. The current download links are still valid. NEWS IN Messiah 1.3 R8: 6 new patches. 4 Atmospheric patches by Paul Roach and 2 by me. Bend range selector added. 2 new buttons: Rounded envelope shape for both flexi oscillators. When OFF the shape is linear.

  • NEWS IN MEMORYMOON VERSION 1.8R8: 18 new sounds. 14 by Paul Roach and 4 by me.

  • Reverb LCD readouts added under the reverb knobs

  • NEWS IN ME80 VERSION 1.2R6: 5 new sounds by Patrick Avarezi. Including Vangelis sounds from the songs "I hear you now" and "Antartica".

  • 12.08.11. New control templates uploaded to the download page: M-audio Axiom49 and Korg nanokontrol. A new preset uploaded that makes it possible to control memorymoon from a DSI Prophet08. Just load the preset to any preset number, and all presets in the bank will have the correct CC numbers. 09.08.11. BIG NEWS: CONTROLLER TEMPLATES FOR: AKAI MPK49, ROLAND A300, ROLAND A500, ROLAND A800, ROLAND PCR300, ROLAND PCR500, ROLAND PCR 800, NOVATION REMOTE, NOVATION REMOTE SL and NOVATION SL Mk2 uploaded to the download page. CC number pictures updated. Messiah, memorymoon and ME80 updated. The current download links are still valid. NEWS IN Messiah 1.3 R7: Added selector for pitch bend range. Intervals: Fifth, second and octave. The selector is in the voice-card section, because there is no space for it in the controller section. Just click on the text and select the interval. Stored per patch. Old patches or songs will default to a fifth like it was before. Expression pedal is now CC11 like it should be, and some minor changes in the CC numbers because of that.

  • NEWS IN MEMORYMOON VERSION 1.8R7: Piano version saved with lower cutoff, because I realized that my KX88 controller has lower velocity than modern controllers like the Akai and Novation.

  • Expression pedal is now CC11 like it should be. Minor adjustments in CC numbers because of that. Its setting will default to max unless you use very-very old patches. Not stored per patch, but stored globally. It modulates the master volume setting (CC7), so it will send from 0 - 100% of the value set with the master volume knob.

  • NEWS IN ME80 VERSION 1.2R5: Beta tester Peter Werner reported clicks when using expression pedal (CC11). I impoved the conversion. Should be much smoother now.

  • Expression pedal is now CC11 like it should be. In the former version it was set to CC7. But now CC7 is controlling master volume instead.

  • 28.06.11. Messiah extra-bank2 updated to 86 patches. The newest additions are electro sounds. Messiah and memorymoon updated. The current download links are still valid. NEWS IN Messiah 1.3 R6: Tempo sync buttons for LFO, OSC-B, delay tempo and FX modulation on did not remember their settings. Fixed in this version

  • User request to send midi automation to midi-out so patch changes can be displayed by controllers like Novation SL2 and Behringer BRC2000.

  • NEWS IN MEMORYMOON VERSION 1.8R6: Tempo sync buttons for OSC-3 and delay sync tempo did not remember their setting. Fixed in this version User request to send midi automation to midi-out so patch changes can be displayed by controllers like Novation SL2 and Behringer BRC2000.

  • 27.06.11. Paul Roach sent me 25 new patches for the memorymoon synthesizer. You will find the bank at the download page. 21.05.11. ME80 updated. User request to lower minimum LFO values from 0.5 Hz to 0.1 Hz. The CS80 manual says that the lowest LFO rate is 0.7 Hz, so this means that the minimum LFO speed is not accurately modelled after this update. NEWS IN ME80 1.3 R4: Minimum LFO speed and PWM rate lowered to 0.1 Hz. (Was 0.5 Hz). 17.05.11. Today I added more patches to the Messiah extra2 bank. Messiah_extra2 bank updated to 72 patches. Downlaod. 15.05.11. Messiah, memorymoon and ME80 updated. The current download links are still valid. NEWS IN Messiah 1.3 R5: The new selector from note start sync to bar start sync did not work as expected in when master clock set to manual. This is fixed in the latest version

  • NEWS IN MEMORYMOON VERSION 1.8R5: New sync delay times added: 1/4 dotted, 1/4 triad and 1/8 triad. New LFO and Osc3 sync times added: 2/5 and 1/8 triad.

  • NEWS IN ME80 VERSION 1.3R3: New sync delay times added: 1/4 dotted, 1/4 triad and 1/8 triad. New LFO sync times added: 2/5 and 1/8 triad. 9 new patches by Antoine Brancato (AB), and 7 new patches by me.

  • 08.05.11. Messiah 1.3 updated. The current download links are still valid. NEWS IN Messiah 1.3 R4: LFO and OSC_B were not synced to barstart when sync is on. This is fixed, and both will now be bar-start synced when sync is selected. When set to as long values as 2 and 4 bars bar-start sync will be disabled.

  • Midi-learn now enabled for sync values in LFO , OSC_B, ARP speed, and synced delay times. This makes dubstep style control of wobble speed possible

  • New sync values in LFO and OSC_B: 1/4 triad and 5 notes over 2 beats.

  • New sync values for synced delay: 1/4 dotted, 1/4 triad and 1/8 triad.

  • In the ARP section you can select from note-on sync or bar start sync. Just click on the text above the sync button.

  • 18.04.11. Memorymoon 1.8 and ME80 1.2 updated. The current download links are still valid. NEWS IN Memorymoon 1.8 R4: Improved reverb with double density and modulated tail. The old reverb had input from left side only, now it is true stereo. There will be som increase in CPU since the new reverb is more advanced, but I feel it is worth it. On most machines the reverb will still use less than 1% CPU. The reverb is now the same as in the ME80 synthesizer.

  • NEWS IN ME80 1.2 R2: Reverb has now double density and modulated tail. This has a big impact on the sound, since most factory presets has some reverb. The tail is much smoother in the improved reverb.

  • 03.04.11. Messiah and Memorymoon updated. You can still use the download links for version 1.3 and 1.8. NEWS IN MESSIAH VERSION 1.3R3: Patch nr1 ----LEAD--- is new. It is my impression of Jan Hammer solo when playing with Jeff Beck around 1974. More new patches: Nr 24 SupersawLFO, nr 32: Supersaw_phaser and nr 95 gated supersaw. Patches 42 and 101 had too much voice card drift in filter, so I lowered filter drift to make the sounds more playable.

  • NEWS IN MEMORYMOON VERSION 1.8 R3: Patch nr 4 Jan Hammer Lead4 is my attempt to recreate the solo sound in this video: Sophie - Jeff Beck.. New patch nr 9 FM melody. It is a very strange solo lead. The timbre is normal in the lower ranges, but as you play in the higher register the sound will be more and more distorted by FM modulation. Added midi-learn to the soundfont page.

  • 20.03.11. Today I added more patches to the extra banks. Moon_extra bank updated to a full bank. Messiah_extra2 updated to 55 patches. Downlaod. 26.02.11. Antoine Brancato has sent me 6 nice patches for ME80. Downlaod. 21.02.11 New versions released. I have sent the new versions to registered since august 2010, you can slill use the same links to download latest build. I recommend that you download Messiah again, becuase I have added 14 new presets during the last weeks. I have sent download links to all users, but errors happen. Please get in touch by using the mailadress is at the bottom of this page. I have got returned mail from these users: caesarg86, jimsand8, fuzdref2004, daniel.ducroq, tarik_haque, gothluke, unoriginaldan, pherasimchuk, michael.branding,, jasnoch, betonkopfmedia,, and mikelcarrion. NEWS IN MEMORYMOON VERSION 1.8: I have added a new button: Chord. It works this way: First you press the chord button, then you play the chord on your keyboard for 2 seconds while it is memorized. After the 2 seconds the sound will be muted and you can play the chord transposed by playing a single key on your keyboard. There will be a similar function in the upcoming Solaris supersynth by John Bowen. FIX: Gate on/off switch 5-9 and 13-16 was mixed with the lower row. Volume bug when changing from poly to unison during the release-period solved. New realtime scope. Total clanup of all controls in the synth. I have deleted a lot of parameters. You will get the error message "Some parameters (159 of 447) could not be loaded". This is because I have deleted 159 parameters. All old patches should load fine despite this error message. Brighter reverb.

  • NEWS IN MESSIAH VERSION 1.3: New skin by Scott Kane. Hanging gate in some hosts fixed. New realtime scope. Envelope times changed when closed GUI is opened solved. This was a very difficult fix. Total clanup of all controls in the synth. I have deleted a lot of parameters. You will get the error message "Some parameters (107 of 363) could not be loaded". This is because I have deleted 107 parameters. All old patches should load fine despite this error message. Some changes in the CC numbers for VCF velocity, VCA velocity, gate on and flexi envelope. New knob in control section: Aftertouch to LFO level. 14 new factory presets.

  • NEWS IN ME80 VERSION 1.2: Fixed scroll not working for the GUI keyboard. mplemented random buttons for both synthlines. I did not include HPF cutoff, VCF level and synthline level, because they tended to cause silent sounds. Noise level is included, but I recommend that you lower noise level for most random sounds. Fixed values changing when opening a project with closed GUI, and then opening the GUI. Implemented 13 new sounds by me, and 8 new sounds by Jesper Freisleben Nielsen. Automation of ribbon action with the mouse possible. But you must initialize it by doing one bend before you start recording. Rosalind Clarke of Acoustica has improved the Classic skin.

  • OBS: Be aware that old single patches will load fine, and projects will load fine, but banks (fxb) will have some errors. Every 2nd patch will have some wrong settings. This is because the fix for projects with closed GUIs in the old versions. When you then opened the GUI some parameters would change. I have fixed this in all 3 synths, but the drawback is that in old banks patch 2, 4, 6 and so on will have some wrong parameters. The solution is to save the bank with the old versions as single patches, and then load all the single patches into the new versions. I have done that with all user patches on the webpage, and I recommend that you download the banks again. Of course banks saved in the new versions will have no problems. I have done a big cleanup in Memorymoon and Messiah and deleted a lot of parameters that was just used for conversion. Because of that you will get some error messages like: "159 parameters could not be loaded". Just click OK. All patches will load fine, all those parameters were not used for anything important. The good news is that this cleanup will cause faster loading times. Memorymoon user Derek Jasnoch has some very nice music on his webpage - nice music! His webpage. Mario Jurisch of has made a beautiful hardware controller for Messiah. I have bought it. 13.11.10. The webpage is up again. The webhotel I used closed down because they did not earn any money. It was difficult to transfer to the new webhotel. All user banks have been updated to load without error messages in the new versions. 12.09.10 I have started to update the new webpage graphics by Scott Kane. A bug has been discovered in all 3 instruments: When you start a project with closed GUI, and then open the GUI some parameters will have wrong value. Fixed in next release. 07.07.10 There is a very detailed reiew for Messiah in german language here: Messiah review. The new Messiah skin by Scott Kane was finished today. 24.05.10 New versions released. I have sent the new versions to registered users ca. 2 months ago. You can still use the download links to get the new "chord" button in memorymoon. Please send me a mail if your instruments have expired. Mailadress is at the bottom of this page. News in memorymoon 1.7: This version will never expire. New skin by Robert Wentz. Note-on CPU reduced by 18 %. Envelope retrigger modes changed. Clicks in filter1 reduced. Muted 1st note when rendering audio solved. Fixed problem with soundfont file browser. Some minor changes in the factory bank. New chord learn button. How to use it: Press the button, then play a chord for 2 seconds (until it is muted). Then you can play the chord from the keyboard.

  • News in messiah 1.25 (will be version 1.3 when the new skin is ready) This version will never expire. Note-on CPU reduced. Some new presets in the factory bank. Crash when uploading 2 instances, and then deleting the 1st instance fixed. 1st note muted when rendering audio fixed. Envelope retrigger mode changed. Changes in CC assignments. Some did not work because they are used for LSB messages: Poly-mod to filter: Was CC63, now CC70 LFO to freq A: Was CC33, now CC61 LFO to freq B: Was cc35, now CC62 LFO to PW A: Was cc37, now cc63 High EQ level: Was cc06, now cc35 Unison osc detune: Was cc98 , now cc29 CC picture and Novation templates updated.

  • Updates in ME80 version 1.1: New high-tec skin by Scott Kane. Some users have requested the old "classic" skin, so it is still available. But I recommend the new skin by Scott Kane. LCD readouts have new grey colour. Readouts for all performance sliders. Improved oscillator sound in extreme highs and lows. Synthline2 detune range increased 100%, touch-responce VCF(LFO) increased 200%. New slider: After speed (Amount of aftertouch smoothing). It is global, that means that it will not change when you change patch, but it is changed every time you load a new patch or a bank. Because of that it is saved with song in a host. New smoothing system for ribbon. It goes faster back to original pitch when released, while it is smoothed more than before when bending downwards. It is possible to smooth even more in later versions. Bugfix: First note could be muted when rendering audio. Fixed. Bugfix: Crash when uploading 2 instances and then deleting the 1st instance fixed. New "menu" below patch name makes it possible to load/save patches from the synth`s GUI. Some new factory patches.

  • 16.02.10 Constantin Philippou has released the track Acropolis . Track list:: ME80 flute ME80 china pads ME80 Georges hymn ME80 Thorau the ring CS80 small effect Juno second part delay Moog

  • His webpage: 03.01.10 Fixes for the ME80 version 1.0: Fixed synthline2 LPF cutoff MIDI-learn. Moved envelope page default/brassy switch for attack curve to avoid overlapping switches. Modified the preset "too sensitive". This version has no copy protection. (Will never expire.)

22.12.09 ME80 THE AFTERTOUCH SYNTHESIZER RELEASED 21.11.09 Novation controller templates for memorymoon and messiah uploaded on the download page. (Not for the novation mk2 series). Next memorymoon version will have note-on CPU reduced by 18%, and general CPU 1% lower. Envelope retrigger modes will be changed, and missing notes fixed. Changes in memorymoon v1.6 2ff7e9595c

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